A Happy 4th of July Late Lunch for Two

by 2gourmaniacs on July 4, 2011

Grilled clams, tuna, and asparagus

It’s been a bit whirlwindish for the 2Gourmaniacs the past several days. After cheffing the birthday celebration the other night, it was kind of like jumping out of the frying pan, I mean the sauté pan, into the fire. We enjoyed immediate family over for a couple of days visit, culminating in an impromptu sunset dinner on the beach, which was simply gorgeous. Anyway, the other gourmaniac and I spent this morning running/walking for an hour-and-a-half fooling ourselves that we could burn a few hundred calories. On our way home we stopped at our fish market and snagged some fresh yellowfin tuna loin and a couple dozen top neck clams. We walked through the front door and I fired up the grill outside; Rosaria started rustling around in the refrigerator for this and that. In less than twenty minutes, we were at the table outside enjoying a peaceful late lunch just for us.

Here’s what we did. We took the asparagus and left the skin on. Rosaria coated them with a couple tablespoons of olive oil and freshly ground salt & pepper. She tossed the tuna loin in a bowl with several tablespoons each of sesame oil and Sriracha sauce. I took everything outside and grilled the asparagus first for about four minutes. While they were cooking, I placed the clams on the grill and let them cook until their shells opened up, about five minutes. I removed both the asparagus and the clams, and I added the tuna loin to the heat. I let it grill for four or five minutes, occasionally turning it with tongs. At the last minute I put a couple of sliced buns on the grill just to warm them up.

While I was manning the grill, Rosaria made a quick, simple red leaf salad with cherry tomatoes and sliced baby cucumbers. We were so hungry we just used some leftover vinaigrette dressing from the fridge and fresh squeezed lemon juice, not bothering to make a fresh salad dressing. After everything was done on my end, I brought tuna, clams, asparagus and buns back to Rosaria who cut the loin into medallions, and then she plated them with some of the grilled clams. I transferred the asparagus spears to a small plate serving with a few lemon slices, Tabasco and Sriracha, and we were off and running. I can’t tell you how good lunch was today. Soon enough it will be time for cocktails on the beach. Wishing a Happy and safe 4th to all!


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Joy July 4, 2011 at 10:45 pm

What a perfect summer meal! This seems just the best. Happy July 4th to you too!

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